2/11/25 Tip Tuesday - Awardco SFTP: How to Automate your Awardco User Files

edited February 11 in Tip Tuesday

Are you tired of manually uploading your employee data into Awardco each week? Wishing there was an easier way? 

Well, there is!

✨Awardco SFTP✨

it’s easy too!

1️⃣ The first step is to ensure your user file is being formatted correctly. Find information on Awardco’s user file requirements here.

2️⃣ Next, you will generate the SFTP credentials following the steps here. Once you have your username and password for the connection simply enter these credentials in the SFTP settings of your HRIS platform. You even have the ability to test your file/connection. 

3️⃣ Finalize the security and file settings of the SFTP configuration, and set the connection live. You will determine the cadence of the file with your HRIS and we will start receiving live employee data to the platform automatically!

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